Thursday, August 16, 2012

His Presence Made Known...

Rebekah and I with our homestay family at the beach in our city.

      Our past 2½ months in country has been wonderful preparation in the establishment of our 6 months that we have been given here. This time gave us the opportunity to form wonderful relationships with the family of our homestay. It forced us to experience sickness that is not in America. It taught us a language that we have never spoken before. It demonstrated Truth in new ways and reiterated Truth already known. It offered grand adventures in an unknown culture. It further developed the relationship of my partner and I. It developed my understanding of the written Word. It offered challenges. However, all of these things took place all for the purpose of bringing about His glorification. Each day as I continue to live in this place, my desire deepens for the purpose in which I am here.

            This past week, Rebekah and I traveled to another island. We were sent to the capital city for the purpose of visa renewal. Thankfully this was a relatively smooth process. After our stay in the capital, we traveled to another city on the same island to visit relatives of our homestay family. This time was so incredibly blessed. Although, we had time well spent with our homestay grandparents, most of our time was spent with the oldest daughter of our homestay. During this time our relationship deepened greatly. We were given such wonderful opportunities to dialogue with her about the very aspect of life that is of most importance to Rebekah and I. After a full explanation of this topic, she responded by saying, “hmmm, that actually makes sense.” As she contemplates the words spoken to her, I ask now that you remember she and her family as they have been presented with life-changing information.

            The efforts of our desires here are not fulfilled through any means that I or Rebekah can offer but rather it is through my Father that our life here is both possible and profitable. I am thankful to be apart of such efforts. He is good and I see the beauty of that goodness demonstrated on a daily basis. I thank you for your thoughts on behalf of Rebekah and I as we live in Southeast Asia.

Our extended homestay family during our trip to visit them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures and the stories!
    You all have many with you even so far away!
