Monday, September 24, 2012


I’m simply grieved when I consider the masses of those who have never had someone present to them the story of the One in which I follow. Each day is a constant reminder of the great need that exists for all people to hear such news. I live among numerous groups of people who have never heard accurate Truth. Therefore I desire to adequately respond to the responsibility that has been given to me by my Father in presenting His story among these people. His love for them is enormous and abounds greater than even my own mind can comprehend. It is through Him alone that we must trust and place our reliance upon at all times but we do need wisdom regarding our part for these people. 

I feel honored to share that my parents just recently made a visit here to Southeast Asia. I appreciate their sacrifice in coming to take part in my being here and I appreciate all of those on my team who offered much cultural insight and help in my planning their stay. I believe that our time together was extremely blessed. It was a true gift that I refuse to take for granted. They greatly contributed to our efforts here and for that Rebekah and I are thankful. 

My mom and our homestay mom connected extremely well. My dad was well liked among many of the young gentlemen we visit with on a regular basis at an English club that we frequent. I believe that these connections from the two furthered our relations with these nationals. During their stay I had a national friend come up to me with great excitement. He then made the statement that I needed to quickly talk with my Father because my Dad was sharing. This brought me much encouragement as in that moment I saw the enthusiasm and understanding within a national. We had many opportunities during my parent’s time in country. We were also able to enjoy one anothers company while sharing in a new culture together and I believe they now have a better understanding of our needs in this place and so they can take it back home to those who are faithful.

  My dad is an Lt Firefighter. So, we decided to visit a fire station in our city. It was thrilling. The national firefighters saluted my dad with respect and so in return my dad did the same. They even gave us a ride on one of their brand new fire trucks…unfortunately; it died three times during our ride. This did not give us much hope if a fire was to actually happen but it did reveal to us more of the culture in which I live. Thank you Mom and Dad for coming. 

I believe my Father has continued to reveal to me the importance of the believing community taking part in the lives of one another. Through the writings of Paul and my own experiences here in Southeast Asia I have come to recognize the value of community. I do not believe that we were created to live individualistic lives apart from others but rather I believe that we were created to understand the idea of a corporate reality. This idea is so clear to me as I read through Paul’s letter. It is even evident within the culture that I now live. The people of my island are so willing to offer help for the sake of another. Many will lay aside their own agendas simply to help another in need. I believe we have much to learn from this concept. A communal sense of living also offers great respect for elders on our island. Something I have grown to love about this culture is the respect demonstrated from the younger generation to the older. When a young person meets one who is older, it is customary to gently bow and take the elder’s right hand and bring it to the forehead of the younger person. This applies to people of all ages. Rebekah and I do this to those who are above us. Small children demonstrate respect to Rebekah and I by executing this gesture to us.

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